Reach Your Potential with the Tomatis® Method

A neurosensory stimulation program that re-educates the auditory system and enhances motor, emotional and cognitive abilities.

Discover the Power of the Tomatis® Method for Enhanced Learning

The Tomatis® Method is a revolutionary approach that helps improve a person’s listening abilities through the use of specific music and patented headphones. Over time, it addresses the auditory processing issues that hinder learning and development.

Identifying A Listening Problem

Identifying a listening problem involves recognizing various symptoms that may indicate learning and communication challenges. If you observe many of these symptoms in an individual, it’s worth considering how poor listening skills could be impacting their overall learning and communication abilities.

What Does Tomatis® Help With?

Balance And Coordination

Balance and coordination issues have a huge effect on a child’s everyday activities, such as walking, running, and playing sports.

Poor Muscle Tone

Poor muscle tone can impact children’s posture and physical abilities, making day-to-day tasks and sports activities difficult.

Global Developmental Delays

Communication, motor and social skills are the most affected when a person has Global Developmental Delay (GDD)

Communication/ Socialization

Sound has a profound effect on our emotions, behaviour, and physiological states, such as blood pressure, muscle energy, and metabolism.

Emotion Regulation

Emotional dysregulation impacts emotional experiences, affecting the nervous system and leading to frustration, tantrums, and irritability from past traumatic experiences.

Learning Difficulties

Addressing challenges like sensory or auditory processing issues, attention deficits, and emotional problems is crucial for individuals to reach their full potential.


Affects many children and adults, leading to difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness, impacting academic performance, social interactions, and daily activities.

Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety and stress can significantly impact daily life, causing emotional and physical symptoms that affect overall well-being.


Impacts social interaction, communication, and behaviour, often leading to language delays and emotional regulation challenges, resulting in behaviours like aggression and tantrums.

Discover the Tomatis® Method

Experience the power of sound to enhance learning and development. Many people struggle with traditional learning methods, finding them dull and unengaging. But what if there was a way to harness the power of sound to unlock your full potential?